All our estimators are either experienced or trained in house

They're all qualified plumbers

that separates Concept Mechanical Estimating from the rest

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Why Choose Us?

The ideology above is paramount when considering the work we undertake on behalf of our clients.  If you haven’t installed these products onsite with the many potential variables how do you know how long it will take?  Only tradesman with experience that’s how!

In conjunction with the below what is your time worth?  Are you pricing correctly?

By using us, we can aid in supporting your clientswin more work, and improve the presentation of your submissions.  This is what we do day in and day out, meaning our process is seamless and efficient, allowing you to focus on other tasks.  You do what you do well and get us to do what we do well.

We can be used frequently, sporadically, or only at times of high tender requests when you can’t fit them all in yourself.

At CME we team up with you.  We like to feel we are a part of your team and don’t stop once the tender is sent.  We chase with you, we discuss strategies with you, aid with post-tender queries, cost savings, scopes, contacts & contracts, along with just general support.  We will always do more than the minimum, and yes we do Design & Construct.

In collaboration with the above we also offer procurement, mechanical design, take offs, and drafting services.

But remember, price gets you to the talking table, relationships and service win you the work and create return clientele.